Haxx Hustun Studios Inc. in The Jax Justun Studios Recorder Archives

This is where you'll all see recorded videos, news articles, unseen stories and etc. of JJS

Hey guys, I know it's like very late at night, but I have something to show you all and everything!!! Or just want to talk about something like very special and important!!!!!!


 Jax Justun Studios Video #28 - (Created on: July 11th, 2024) This is not a joke you guys!!! The Official #28thJJSvideo's finally out!!!!!

Haxx Hustun Studios Banner Poster Shrine #VersionFive - (Created on: July 10th, 2024) You are all not reading all wrong you guys!!!! This is official alright!!!!

So for today's #GJAsks question's about, what's my embarrassing deaths in a GAME!?!?!!!!! Well, that answer from me had to be from all SEVEN BanBan games!!! Or FIVE for that matter!!!!!

Hello folks, we have a quick announcement for tonight here on May 29th, 2024!!!!! And it's kind of an interesting one to be exacted here!!!!!

Garten of BanBan 7 #1DaysLeft - (Created on: May 8th, 2024) ONE DAY LEFT PEOPLE!!!!

Garten of BanBan 7 #2DaysLeft - (Created on: May 7th, 2024) Only TWO days left folks!!!!! And it'll be the day that I'll be making something great!!!!

Afternoon folks!!! My #GJAsks question is what game that I replayed-ed the most out of!!!! That'll be of course the first Garten of BanBan & the first Poppy Playtime games!!!! Also known as for the first chapters for two mascot horror games!!!!

Garten of BanBan 7 #3DaysLeft - (Created on: May 6th, 2024) Three days left!!! I mean, I was a few days off, but what can you all do on that huh???

Garten of BanBan 7 #4DaysLeft - (Created on: May 5th, 2024) NabNab Says, "only four days left until BanBan 7 Arrives Officially for everybody"!!!!!