Parody Mascot Horror Games in The Jax Justun Studios Recorder Archives

This is where you'll all see recorded videos, news articles, unseen stories and etc. of JJS

First Teaser For JJS Game Parody #15 (Created on: December 4th, 2024) I know it's getting late at night, but after months of vanish-ness, I'd finally made an official teaser for one of my future parody mascot horror games!!!!! YEAH!!!!

Jax Justun Studios Movie Poster #22 (Mr. Sheffinton's "Cheffinton's" Teaser) - Created on: December 4th, 2024 (Originally Created: October 14th, 2018) It's been minutes now, but here we are folks!!!!
Hey everybody, sorry if this post here's a few days late, but on December 1st, 2024, I'd officially release the official future game page for chapter 3 of Dawney's Daycare Center!!!!

Goslimerr Hero Bio Poster #1 - (Created on: November 30th, 2024) It know it's late, but Draxx Dustun Studios has created the official and #1stGHBioPoster for "Credward"!!!!!

Official Goslimerr HEROS Logo - (Created on: November 30th, 2024) Here on this day alone November 30th, 2024, it was of course, November 30th, 1999, it was the #25thYearAnniversary of Jax Justun Studios very #1st and ever successful parody TV shows!!!!!!!
Sorry if this was super late here on my end, but here on November 30th, 2024, I'd officially created the official game page for the #15thJJSparodyMascotHorrorGame!!!!

Well, guys the official #23rdJJSparodyMascotHorrorGame has finally arrived here on the very last AND final day of November of 2024!!!!! What a ride this month was huh??? Can't believed that both of parody files & storage had survived from all of this!!!!!

JJS Parody Bio Poster #14 (For Mr. Stappular) - Created on: November 30th, 2024 It's now the very and official end here in #NovOf2024, and it's now November 30th, 2024!!!!!
Hey everybody!!! Tomorrow's the last day of November of 2024!!!! Hopefully that your guy's Thanksgivings turned out all okay and safe and everything!!! Anyways, I know there was a lot of lacking of future updates................Umm???
Hello everybody, today's November 27th, 2024, and tomorrow's Thanksgiving Day of 2024!!! Anyways, I know there wasn't much future updates as always, but as of late at night and everything, I'd finally made an official future parody mascot horror game!!!!!