general in The _SABER_ Community


opinion on the meaning of life

  14 votes Voting finished

Fun Fun Fact:
Crimson is half-animatronic because i wanted a reason for him to be alive and have emotions without child possession or advanced AI

And it adds a bit of spooky to his otherwise colorful and friendly design

ruin and regular sb art tomorrow yeahh (i've been drawing an insane amount lately)

It is today that i found out that roxy does have her pelvis but it's all molten and discolored

Working on an animation and drawing everyday because im participating in Art Fight at the same time is an experience


freddy fabear

What shall I do?

  8 votes Voting finished

Which Artfight team should i join this year? (im likely actually going to participate unlike last year yipee yay)

  5 votes Voting finished

Im definitely thinking about making spiderverse-style FNaF (and other) animations in the future, i absolutely love how those movies were animated (i finally watched the second movie yay)

five night freddy tag time

#FaveFNAFMerch My man Foxy the Pirate fox, in statue form!

This is one of the sickest FNaF merch pieces ever, ignoring the small inaccuracies

#MyAnimatronic absolutely crimson, he is silly animatronic man