Announcements in The Fox Guy Foxtail Community

Let's Write Some Shit Mate

Ok times up this is my ARG account @MuseumOfUnidentifiableOranisms this is something I will be working on alot so please follow

I could possibly be going live today

What I'm doing for the weeks to come

Finish your guys OCs

Redesign The Wonderful Wonders Freak Show Circus OCs

Release two new chapters for TWWFSC book (that's done I just need to do everything else)

Start TWWFSC art contest

What am I working on?

If you haven't already check out my 1000 follower thank you post and add your self to the list of drawings I have to do…


For my fuckers [CLOSED]

BTW this is my 1000 follower thank you

Today's plan

I'm going to try and get some already existing art requests done because tomorrow I want to do something really cool for you guys so if I owe you art tell me now it's your last chance after today I won't be drawing it

Ok I was invited to a art discord one of the channels was smash or pass I kid you not last week's conversations where full of my art IDK if they knew me so they invited me but they had a shit ton in that channel with no credit was given to me

If I owe you art please tell me I forget fucking everything

I found out this morning that all of my personal problems took care of themselves so I don't have to take a break 🙃 let's go I'll talk about what happened at a later date