Contests/Challenges in shippers must ship fan group

Shippers-must-ship is the best!

This song represents @Rye-Rye99_fan and me my boyfriend because it's the least I can do love you RYE-RYE99 fan


Say something sarcastic in the comments. XD

I got a challenge for you! Ok, so find a friend and chose a song you know that you think describes them. For this one @Yaoi576 this is a song I think describes him! ( I did NOT make this video)


How many people have you fallen in love with? ( you donโ€™t have to tell)

T-T there is one person, that I have called senpai, the most! Take a guess, on who it might be! XD

Who was the first person to shout at you on game jolt? Like the shouts on the side not actually yelling at you. -_-

Guess the song! ( if your like a hardcore, Melanie Martinez fan. Plz! Donโ€™t answer it! XD I just want people to take a guess)

Try to finish the song! ( @lily_thewerewolf ( you know the song)