All Posts in UNDERTALE - Dead Man Walking [OFFICIAL COMMUNITY]

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  32 votes Voting finished

Holy nuggets 70 members , am i dreaming or is this Real

Oh my, 64 members, welcome welcome ^^

*Welcome to the TD!Debug Room, How Can i service you?

Hey lads it's been a while huh. So here i send the INVITE TO TD!UNDERTALE COMMUNITY SERVER, Come, Join and You will be able to see All games i work with team hangout or smth So yea Enjoy and come in!

ok, so i know i sended Failed Pacifist Server Invite but here is My OFFICIAL Community/Hangout server so yea,


New game is coming, well for me its not a bad news but disbelief Sans undertale is cancelled it was too much work and yea you might ask what is that New thing well you can ask me in gamejolt or discord i might show some days thats all bye disbelief Sans.

Le revive chat also there is a Person who stole revenge the unseen ending game and it puted as "Official" So dont like it, Dislike it