story_time in Spoopy’s Community

Ya gonna do somethin’ spoopy?

You know, when I drew my dad in that one comic, I wanted him to look like an epic race car driver. Just realized he looks more like a cross between a Power Ranger and Captain America-

Artist dads be like-

I called a female bro and she was insulted. I looked up “ is it okay to call females bro” and I got this-

I tried to crack my knuckles and fucking destroyed my index finger AAAAAAAA-

Hold on. Shower thoughts-

So, this dude tried to fit his entire body in the fold of my legs-

When my pup eats a slice of cucumber, he picks out the seeds and eats them first- He’s so weird.

Hm, I hit my knee and now my entire leg hurts. So, how’s your day going?

Dudes, you’d think I’d gain weight during quarantine, but I lost 2 pounds, wtf-

Hm, went to go say hi to snek, then he looked up at me and blessed my mind with a cute snek yawn....

E p i c