story_time in Spoopy’s Community
Ya gonna do somethin’ spoopy?
So I had a miniature heart attack cuz my sister almost brought up my sexuality around my parents, that was fun
How’s your day going?
My sister hit my head with a pencil and it made a hollow bonk sound.
So I opened my door to a door-
My little sis called me a fuckin’ churro cuz I called her an apple HHHHHH
One time I tripped and hit my head on some bark
the bark formed into a crown like shape
I proudly wore it for exactly 2 minutes before it fell apart.
The medics wonder why I was sad when they fell off.
So my mom bought this card because yes.
I had to take a picture.
My ponies love gathering around this rock for some reason-
Okay, so, apparently that old Sans OC that I said was a Fell rip-off was actually Fell Sans’s son-
Wtf was my young mind thinking wcqzctbkph
My dog borked at me cuz I had my hat on-
Ah, yes
Don’t you just love watching random movies to find canon voices for your OCs -