no you're a nerd


You have a spoon, a pencil, and a live rabbit.

Your trapped in your house by a serial killer, with your bedroom 5 stories up. You have 5 minutes to escape before he burns the house down. What do you do?

(He's armed with a gun.)

So I make a lot of random polls with a bunch of subjects 4 things I'm doing in the future. Though, I promise this poll will effect the near future. What game do you want to come first? Whichever one you pick, the other will still come. Just after. (maybe)

Β  12 votes Voting finished

Wtf did I find in my basement

Hellclown repost because I can.

Cloud Variables are the Best Thing in Scratch.

My starecrown drawing.


HEH?! Who remembers this? If anyone. I have a staggering total of 6 subs. :D Should I keep up with this????

Β  8 votes Voting finished

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