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(as in, this is the latest one revealed, not that this is the big bad, you get it, right!?)

Start of the Year Teaser

(I feel like I'm spoiling ya, but don't expect the next teaser very soon)

Found an irl Teddy plush from a thrift store back on the 22nd that I ofc got,might as well show y'all since it's pretty cool!(now I need to find my Tigerlight bahahaha)

End of Year Teaser


Fedetronic NEO and Bondee

I apologize for the lack of Updates, and barely aNy progrEss sO far, as my Job and the Streams kept me busy, but to make up, I've kind oF dEciDEd to polish and render whaT might be the very fiRst lOok oN our VillaIn CharaCter!

Bondee and Jadie


Aight,the Stuffed news broadcaster is outta retirement so here's the brighten version of the teaser I did when it first got posted (unsurprisingly)

Anyways might as well show it!