Fanart in Stuffed: The Real Community

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We're creative again.

Necromancer Fedetronic, and the Cluster!!!

wait why is there color now what

I dunno

Here’s Fedetronic, Lucatronic And Jadie!

that’s for @Fedriz_Marini

Happy 9 years of Stuffed 2:Five Nights at Fedetronic's!

Thanks for sticking around after all these years!

I might revamp this community a bit to improve upon it's looks at somepoint too


Fedetronic NEO and Bondee

Bondee and Jadie


Meet Jupiter or "Jupe" for short,he's a part of his own space themed attraction at Fedetronic's Burger Kingdom!

He's the first ever Stuffed OC too! (not FNaF lol)

More info in the article about him if ya wanna learn more!