fanart in Together Again: A "Lake's Funland" Community

Share your creations!

You thought the Voting Session series was over? Get ready for 49 contestants in Season 4. (we'll probably have 64 contestants by season 5 lmao)

Credits are in the first image. USE YOUR EYES THEY'RE RIGHT THERE

eat up buster

As you can see, I work a lot to make pictures of taalfs characters with AI

And one interesting thing was that behind the scenes when I was making their photos, I was laughing because they were really funny

Chick in human style

Sorry for not posting, I got sick (and still am)

Artwork + Humanoid Designs: @Junk_Art

TAALFS: @SirMemphisto_Heisenmorg

BBSV: @Otis_Le_PoOtis

"So you're finally doing the humans for your au-"


Well most is gonna be on paper but still enjoy

(Meet Ashley Waters or in this AU/WDCTD: Ashlee Swanepoel)

hello friends 💙💖❤️

Yesterday, I wanted to be able to make Haiden and Lake in anime style with an AI application, and I did the same thing!

(Note: In some photos, Haiden's style model looks a bit like Lake's style model, but so you can ignore this issue)

Community Whiteboard Shenanigans part 2

Warning: Lots of horror elements in the second, third and fourth drawings, this is a horror fandom after all.

Part 2 lol

Cookies or cokkies. 😭

Oh, and have a genderbent Vanessa Magwood. (or Vince Magwood in genderbend names)
Her headband is a sports head tie in this genderbent version.
Her sleeveless shirt is instead a hoodie (in genderbend form)