Questions in Team Fortress 2

"You were good son, real good, maybe even the best..." - Rick May (Soldier)
Which color? #Tf2 #Teamfortress2 #Questions #Question #fyp
3 votes Voting finished

Is this scout weapon I made good or just horrible.
How many hours do you have on tf2? I 122
11 votes Voting finished
Maybe my pfp should be a tf2 character? #Tf2 #Teamfortress2 #Question #Questions #fyp
73 votes Voting finished
Question? How do I enable voice chat in tf2 because I can’t seem to get it to work. I can’t say spy or anything, please answer for me please
RUS: как думаете стоит брать насмешку "Камень, ножницы, бумага"?
ENG: Do you guys think it's worth it to buy the mock "Rock, Paper, Scissors"?

Is this pyro weapon I made good or just trash

Is this scout primary weapon good or bad?