Trading in Team Fortress 2

"You were good son, real good, maybe even the best..." - Rick May (Soldier)
If anyone has a rusty reaper and a sub zero lying around and you don't use it anymore, you could trade it to me? Its for my pyro main.
guys, who wants to trade something for a Fan O' War, an Iron Bomber, powerjack and a Winter Cosmetic 2022 Crate?
my trade URL:…
Edit: the giveaway is broken so yeah.
hello can you help me with something if you can because we need items that have duplicates or metal of any kind since I made myself a small challenge which is to get everything in the game except some objects since they cannot be obtained
Trading moment…
I give: A gunslinger, a flying guillotine, a force-a-nature, a baazar bargain,a holiday punch, and a chargin' targe
You give me: Gloves of running urgently, and an eyelander
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anyone want a lvl.68 neon annihilator?