que mira bobo

Keep advancing

Lets funking goooooo!

What have I done lmao


What the-

So I was chilling sonic 2006 on my Xbox 360 and this happen for some reason I was laughing a lot when I saw this @Pawel2733 do you think this is weird and freaky RIP TAILS

I will never forget you sonicallstars.exe RIP sonicallstars.exe you will be missed it got canceled

¡Welcome to my official community in Game Jolt! Here is a place where you can tell me ideas about games of sonic and sonic.exe. (and we can talk about multiples things too)

You can upload your gameplays,fan art,sprites and animations here! You can ask me something and i will try to answer you. The gamejolt rules applies here too. and more because we can see more things are not sonic or sonic.exe!

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