general in The Redstonebear Community

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My tier list of the incarnations of Springtrap

Anyone else got em all on the switch?
(I have all of it so yes I got the dlc for fnaf hw I got q switch lite)
I shall make an announcement soon

myhighest score I keep trying to get higher with making my old strategy wich took me a long time to remember wich I can't even do right half the time uh has anyone gotten 50/20 on this and what happens if I do not being greedy but I wanna doit @KamilFirma

Some of my accomplishments if the fan game is to easy or unbeatable then I don't take screenshots of beating it for the easy ones also the fnac remastered one is from my old phone wich I reset recently

Oh I never said anything more about the game I was gonna stream called fredbears resort I beat it under 30 minutes, has some cool mechanics I didn't die cuz I'm dope, i beat night five the game crashed and set me back to night one.
Some yall may know when I first played fnaf hw and the level I struggled the most on was fnaf 3 night five well in this playthrough I bugged him out like mark did somehow I was kinda happy cux that was my second try beating it this playthrough
I was covered in glitter I smelled like birthday cake (wich game and wich night was this said)

Toy freddy somehow was pirouetting when i throw him lol
(also trying to beat fnaf hw again on my switch before my friend buys me it for my phone)