/Anuncios. in Dreadful Saga [COMUNIDAD]


200 Seguidores!!!!
Inspiraciones/ Inspirations
The House Of The Dead 3
Five Nights At Freddy's
Outlast 1
Half life/Black Mesa
SCP: Containment Breach
Left 4 Dead Hospital level
Resident Evil
The Return to Freddy's
Dying Light
The Return To Freddy's: The Dreadful Truth

/Esp. Descansa en paz primo
Hace un rato recibí la fatídica noticia de que mi primo fue asesinado
/Eng. Rest in peace cousin
A while ago I received the fateful news that my cousin was murdered
/Esp. Anuncio
/Eng. Annoucement

/Esp: Como se hizo
/Eng: How It was made