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Twisty Twist Twisted Twist Twist

it's been kinda hard to think of a project due to my personal things so if anyone has any ideas please comment on this post (be original too because some of yall may just say characters from a tv show)

Sorry for not posting my internet is being wierd if I spell some thing incorrectly plz say it I'm not good at spelling even though I just turned 17 August 1 good night


Heh try me

Sup bruh I hope ya like this art yay epic sans

You see this community ITS AMAZING SO IF YOU FOLLOW ME YOU MUST FOLLOW THIS COMMUNITY OK ...plz The twisted team

the game is no more

one girl/one girl by !!! is mostly known because it's in GTAV radio mirror park the song would maybe fit good for an ending of a movie or something just wanted to share my thoughts

one more follower then we will have 150 followers!

i am tired with this pfp i wish we can get our old one but we lost it can someone help us with this problem i can't TAKE IT WITH THIS PFP