General in Rhythm Heaven Community

Try posting with rhythm!

Updated some things on this community!, and I added a suggestion channels btw

I love how for Remix 7 DS they just took Big Rock Finish A and extended it

I feel like The Clappy Trio bit at the start of Right-Hand Remix goes on for a bit too long

Imagine if someone used the Big Rock Finish exploit on Big Rock Finish

Yolo new communiity

I just realised, last night while sneakily on screens, playing RP Megamix, I noticed that some lyrical songs have a slightly higher pitch in Japanese than in English. I wonder why...

I think it'd be so cool if an official localised version of Rhythm Tengoku was put on the Switch for the 15th anniversary of the series.

I remember when I used to hate Monkey Watch

By beating Frog Hop perfect I can annoy my brother with Young Love Rock N Roll anytime

But it's also stuck in my head

But I don't mind