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woah guys look u can have ur own geg, just print and soon u will have him, just remember to use a A4 type paper, + voice reveal (yes the rec is very cringe)…


Green and MJ sing the first ver of monochrome because why not.

- Its Sooner or later..... -

the application will start in Oct, since u know, I have other things to do

i always think that geg's aperance is not hes true form, his true form is a much more stronger and buff

you know that tails used to look like this? this also explains on why DIC tails fur color is dog shit


Homestar sings Gypsy Bard [ai cover] Because why not.

Nichi GameJolt Sticker


Marble Zone (SM64 mix)…

i used the sm64 soundfont

i made a drawing of MS/GG Sonic unused laughing animation

A random drawing because why not