All Posts in Hank Motel
Mami x baldi aka the most random crossover someone pulled out of a hat in friday night funkin history comming soon
Hello guys you remember the post where i said i will make a stream of the abysmal world of vs dave and bambi scratch games well it has been delayed due to school but iam streaming it now no delays
New game for scratch (My first scratch game i ever made and its a joke game because i dont know how to code properly on scratch because iam new)
What scratch game should i make in scratch part 2
What scratch game should i make in scratch
I will be making a stream the abysmal world of vs dave and bambi scratch games (Idea inspired by caddicaurs) where we will be taking a look at A LOT of scratch games about dave and bambi and laugh while making jokes and bitching for little details
Hello guys i just made a scratch account and iam going to make my first game you guys give me ideas for mechanics, lore, what type of game is it gonna be and so much more
You know what its november 13th so you know what that means right
Iam going to become paulfunkron in the next 30 minutes (original art made by @Renory_Sugartits)