All Posts in Topkick Insanity 2 (2006)


I think the problem... é falta de pika, só pode.… Pussy was tryna back the hell off when I posted this so allow me to get public about it now. You mixin with my friends I'm mixin with YOU. You a 14 year bruh you odd as hell. This as well VVV… This Cloudypaws person was talkin behind my friend's back I apparently heard and I'm ngl? If I was posting shit like in those screenshots on a site like this? I wouldn't be tryna start smoke with people I knew behind their backs.

Trans Visibility Day, the perfect day for me 😈😈😈

Birthday month next month 😈

Wanted to remake that drawing of Kale I made

Wasn't feeling the green anymore so I left it as just an alt, even though I don't like how it looks lol

Quick Ceroba doodle lol

Hank drawing 2 YAAAAY

Favorite design of him next to his Project Nexus 2 appearance so I really enjoyed drawing this

Thing based off of that one Jujutsu Kaisen panel (second image) but with my fursona lol

Ended up diverting from the original panel a lot cus I wanted to go in my own direction and do sumn cool with this, and I'm really glad I did ngl

don't think I got around to posting it but here is all the individual art from Trolling Trio (Triple Trouble FireLord-Mix)!