Rey's Transformers hyperfixati in Topkick Insanity 2 (2006)


Can I be honest and say that I kind of like this design a lot? Idk, I think it could also work well as another character like maybe Bulkhead or a more G1-esque Hound if you just change the head.
As I mentioned 2 days ago, Transformers Earthspark aired their first episode on TV, so I recorded it on my DVR and got to watch it. Solid show so far. Giving my thoughts on it now. Spoiler warning if you haven't watched the show yet and/or plan to lol
There's like two Transformers related dreams I've had I distinctly remember that I find very interesting.

"You have to be the best song in the Angry Birds Transformers ost if you think I'm letting you in he-"

Unstoppable Robots
Provided to YouTube by Awal Digital LtdUnstoppable Robots · Vince DiCola & Kenny Meriedeth · Vince DiCola · Kenny MeriedethAngry Birds Transformers (Original...