3D models in Five nights with Rustys

I at least tried something here to model the star of Containment Failure as a Steamer. But idk Mann. I can’t tell if I was successful or haven’t really gone somewhere.

The greatest killer train and nerve racking god of death is done! Pretty much a bday present I gave to myself for getting done. LOL

Smudgey boi once again had a revamp! :D I’m now happier with the way modeling skills are improving!

Finally with the addition of some ground lights I think I’m good.

I wasn’t too impressed with how I first made my Jennings model. So I decided to rebuild it. Slightly touching up the body shell and fitting it with a more accurate face! :> Now I’m much more happier with how it came out!

It was about time… But Steamer is finally in my model fleet!

Just added some classification/marker lights on my OC, just to have a more American feel to it since I am myself am American.

The world fastest narrow gauge came! :D

I made 2 steamie trevvys! Red one is from the “Crafter Era”! And the grey one is from the “Dreamer Era”! ;>