Georgiger's F&G Progress in TwoMask Studios

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im going through old versions of the game and i gotta say. me from last year was cringe af

We should add back cg animations to toy commecials

Extra's w.i.p.

(I added the BTS section)

I honestly love how the renders for the extra's made the characters look non-threatining

Night 6 is finished but I’m not gonna tell u more about it, I just need to add things like sound effects and properly test it

The extras menu renders for the characters are meant to show off their personalities. So that’s why johns render has him in a zesty ahh pose

New John render for Extra's in the Game

working on extras

these 2 blend files next to eachother is just funny to me

News: Georgiger's Fun n' Games and Five Nights at Sugar's : Remake by @000creator000 have a shared universe!

(Idk we haven't sorted everything out yet so don't ask questions) Go follow the Game here: