Offtopic in UltraGearGames Community
Again, more whispers!
1. Here's our animal; 🐒
2. 👁👄👁
Send your own whispers!
More whispers!
1. Thanks, it means a lot. :) *bleh*
2. This a song or something?
Whisper some stuff yourself!
Behind the scenes of the promotion photo for @Tornado-Games-Studios's latest promotion image.
This level is in the game files now, we will delete later.
It has come to our attention that some of our webpages are broken. We are working hard to fix this. In the meantime, they should still be usable, just a bit... unappealing.
More Whispers, here we go;
1. Thank you so much! ♥
2. Yes. Just an hour ago, actually.
Send some whispers yourself! =)
We have officially regained access to our SecretWhisper. xD
These are the whispers so far. Thank you to everyone who submitted them, and will submit any in the future! Much appreciated.
Holy crap today was good, got a lot of work done today. If all goes well, I should be able to wrap up the first level (with some placeholders) in like 3 months.
For now have some spoilers.