Greetings, heya, hi, hello, welcome.
This is the Underverse Community created by a fan named @drunky
Created: December 1st of 2020.
When will it end: As long as the fans of Underverse stand, then Never!
We have some rules here:
1. Don't post NSFW, seriously, this isn't the right community for it.
2. Respect all moderators and members.
3. You are not better than anyone if you are a friend of a popular person, the owner or the moderators here.
4.Don't spam.
5. Respect privacy.
Don't post personal info like your address, your password, phone number, etc.
6. Please Only and ONLY post-off-topic stuff in the off-topic channel.
7. If you see someone breaking rules, let a moderator know and they will deal with the problem.
8. Please don't start drama or arguements, please keep that in dm's.