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GRAND OPEN OF ElaHatcher Style Templates Are Here!!
Also Happy Spooky Month!

My New Halloween Pfp
And also, someone is behind her
So i used RAVE today and made a mix between the TUGS theme and one Souja Boy song and it sounds amazing! i recommend checking it out i you have time to :3

a very noice gift for my friend @ElaHatcherisFunni
What it is, is basically a mix between the models of her IRL self and OC forms. I Hope you all like this :)

Finally finished that Thomas the tank engine parody animation i teased cuz yee :3

a little teaser image of another up coming "animation" i'm doing and yes it's thomas the tank engine related
*Everything here belongs to their original owners*

I Don't really know what to call this thing what i've made, but i like it ^V^

(REPOSTED Happy #spawnday to my Profile!!