updateprogress in Wolfy's Hotel

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News on Wolfy's Hotel 2

I am currently facing a problem with some scripting errors but the development will continue actively on all the other things.

The update may get delayed just a little bit, but I can assure you, it won't be a long time. (Unless something else happens)

I have decided that The factory will have every single section/floor made to it till this update.

I am working really actively on it so I think this will go very well! A new teaser coming soon.

UPDATE PROGRESS [Wolfy's Hotel 2 ver. 1.4 Pre-Beta]

UPDATE PROGRESS [Wolfy's Hotel 2 ver. 1.4 Pre-Beta]

Update (Pre-Beta 1.4) progress.

WH 2 1.3 ALPHA

Building (rooms): 91%
Building (Texture improvement): 100%
Non-Canon character morphs: 100%
New sounds: 100%
Lobby improvement: 100%
Ambience: 100%(?)

Overall progress: 95%

Congrats to those who knew it wouldn't come in january lol, but hey, it was going to, if I had more time.

WH 2 1.3 ALPHA

Building (rooms): 89%
Building (Texture improvement): 100%
Non-Canon character morphs: 100%
New sounds: 100%
Lobby improvement: 98%
Ambience: 100%(?)

Overall progress: 90%

WH 2 1.3 ALPHA

Building (rooms): 67%
Building (Texture improvement): 98%
Non-Canon character morphs: 97%
New sounds: 5%
Lobby improvement: 90%
Ambience: 100%(?)

Overall progress: 76%