All Posts in D&B: Diamond Edition Community

insert funni here

Uh- uhm- ehh- uhhh- im sim-simping @Wolverin18

Whoever you are can you PLEASE just PLEASE stop adding me in random groupchatsđź’€

@Wolverin18 i made that monstrosity guy or whatever you wanna call him in 3d. that body was SUPER hard to make. i just kept re-adjusting it, then re-adjusting it again, it was a nightmare.

is it just me or does my model of henron make him look like a psychopathic murderer

ok fine i cant help myself

its a gif give it a sec to load


@Wolverin18 what (if you have no idea its the owner of the community, and im not sure if it was like that before)

fine if this post gets 45 likes i'll post an image of the henron remodel

henron will have pupils in the next update

hi guys new d undio