All Posts in D&B: Diamond Edition Community

insert funni here

cube man

i have been destroyed, yeeted across 55 dimensions, blown up 50191982192 times, and shat my pants from how crazy this insult is

Recent stuff in my IbisPaint gallery


netherite edition is coming in 2069

spelled bad wolverin18 in youtube and i put wolveriOn18

i want to commit suicide now for what i have seen

why does the "ehe" part of this sentence scare me more than it should

random sprites i made for basebi

@Wolverin18 (also wolverin if you're reading this, you can remake them because my version of the sprites look kinda bad lol)

i have finally acquired a drawing tablet

another non dnb drawing because i dont draw these people as often as i shouldddd

another thing only @NARUTO_NOVA will understand :trol: