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Bertix lore: So Bertix back then use to be called Brandon. He use to work at a lab, use to have a friend called Dave. everything was going good taco Tuesday every Tuesday, until people decided to test on Brandon for an experiment. he agreed to do it.

Well yet again im bored and got nothin else to do so. Bertix QNA!!!1111 if there's no questions since my acc isn't alive and I don't think it's ever been, I'll just post some new things about Bertix.

Wont you shake a poor sinners hand? screwed remix except its barely recognizable

What Bertix's redesign would've looked like.
a question... Trambia is a canon girlfriend of tramber?? It is because in the other wiki (diamond edition) it does not appear... and I get very confused if it is his girlfriend or not...(sorry for the question..i'm a little confused..)

This random voiceover I did based off the image.
(I had to crop the video because it had to much of a wide screen💀)