Art in D&B: Diamond Edition Community

insert funni here

so uhhh i got impatient and made the brobgonal trix right after Blargutrix
This is Polgonatrix, the trix variant of brobgonal.
Some aspects of this design are a reference to something, try to guess what it is!

turns out making trix variants of characters was kinda fun so meet Blargutrix!
its design didn't focus on body horror and gross stuff as much as i wanted but its fine. Also, the lore DOES imply a Brobgonal trix, I'll make that at some point too.

remember skreelbi?? no??? i wasn't prepared for that answer uhhh
meet Elevatiotrix, the trix variant of my oc Skreelbi! It incapacitates its victims using the tendrils of its left hand, and sucks out the life force of them with the leech-like right hand.

Here are some 3d models I made while I was gone for a while. (Old to new.)
Credits to BaggerHead for the character in the last image.

Volcanimandratrix & Haxis have finally gotten models

hey guys its nikki from hit single real
Огроменное спасибо этому человечку (@Sheepadoodle-boy ), кто нарисовал мою Дэйвсону (Лекси) в своём стиле!
Но он высказался, что ему было лень рисовать остальную часть тела (ноги, разумеется)

ещё один типа "арт" с моей Тристансоной - Энни
(пока что это только моя почеркушка в Пэйнте), но арты по моим ДнБ ОС рисовать можно, не запрещаю же)