general in D&B: Diamond Edition Community

insert funni here

decided to make actually good basebi sprites (spritesheet included) because the previous ones i made were utter dogshit


this mod is now officially 1 year old

Hello guys

I'm very happy because today is my 14th birthday

and i need to thank a few people for accomplishing everything i ever wanted to accomplish

here's the thing to animate 3d characters



Question: Should I remake this old animation I made of Tramber nuking Henron?

name the most based character of every DNB mod you know.

So I made Christmas pfp’s of all the DE characters.

(+ Banjer’s Cat & Samny) @Wolverin18

unbaseace/remakeboot basebi


hey guys i ask if you can help our friend @Jmastermillz to buy him a better pc

if you want to help him with any amount of money

just enter the link and make your donation

thank you so much :D