problems-@!:? in ZEA'S? nah ALL MY FELLAS

Do whatever the hell you want! <3

Quick news update: things are getting a little busy for me i am still able to be online but for a short times and for liminal things I can do

cannot do: post join Discord groups, or normal groups

can do : be online , chat ( a little )


One of my "friends" ( backstapping bitch)

said that I was a crybaby and that if my tears were made of ink i could probably make an entire imaginary friend

i feel even worse now...

I feel cold and alone.....ħɇłᵽ..mɇ

*Sigh* this this whole Zea thing is going to have to get moved for a while..

Thanksgiving( 28)

Christmas,(Dec 25)

@__kat__ "s birthday ( jan 25 )

My birthday( Jan 30th )

and there's a lot more plans after that....sorry