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This one was too laggy..... I tryed to beat it... ;-;

ok... It was too laggy..... mabye a little but.... here it is ;-;

Here's an another gameplay I played.... It was a little laggy though

Here's a gameplay I played... It was fun after all... :3

It took me awhile to do the Old charting of Demonila........ I here it is :3... Oh and here's the link of the old Demonila

Zavodila x kinemortophobia... (Ruv Vs @freddygamer726 ) I couldn't find the link for the mashup song of Zavodila x kinemortophobia ;-;

New upload from YouTube: Zavodila B-side but it's Ruv and Ruvina

New upload I saw on YouTube: Gospel B-side but it's Demon Sarv Vs Demon Sarvin :3

Oh no... Sarv is already Corrupted;-;.. actually I made her as Corrupted Sarv :3

Security but it's Accretion Vs Ruv