All Posts in Andrew's Friendly Community

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Day 19: Headphones

Hell yeah

4th of July Design!

Day 18: School Uniform

(Based on @AXDRGamrTheGrayFox 's old design)

I'm going back to sleep now, don't know when I'll wake up

Day 17: Chibi

I'm getting three games this Friday!

Day 16: Magial Boy/Girl

(I'm guessing it's supposed to be "magical")

Also I don't know why I'm awake rn, it's 3:56 AM for me :D

Just so you guys know, I'm not gonna online very often cause I'm going to a family event and it's in a different state than where I am. I'm probably coming back for good either on July 7th or 8th. I'll still do my daily art stuff and other things but yeah

Day 15: Angry

(Me when I see groomer on Gamejolt)