Share your creations!
Scenestember has started! and as such, the Scenestember channel has been opened in Anubi Challenges for you to share your entries in!
Scenestember Original Post: https://gamejolt.com/p/time-for-a-new-monthly-prompt-challenge-p…
Scenestember channel: https://gamejolt.com/c/anubi-challenges-nemrtv/stember

Thank you to the Top Supporters of Charged Stickers of August 2024, including the Top 3, @thantropy , @TheCatLost
and @SoulOfEmber
(Article for more)

time for a new monthly prompt challenge!
Presenting #Scenestember 2024, where your goal is to make a piece featuring a scene every 5 days, so plenty of time to develop your pieces
Read the Article for details

when my bag has plants in them
fanart for @/BagPlants from Twitter, featuring their persona

it's time for another poll!
you know how it goes, vote for the option that you want the most and the winner will be drawn first
results will be combined across my other major social media platforms to decide the winner (and to prevent ties)
54 votes Voting finished

Welcome to AnubiClub!
A community made with the purpose of better organizing what I post around here. Only Updates posts and a few art pieces I consider good enough will be featured!