All Posts in FNaS (AotD/CbtS)

Welcome to the Factory!!!

Grand Dad,Promotion and Dictador,but Fnas mix.

No Hope,Last Course and Somari but Fnas mix.

Day out,Paranoia,The End and Appearance but Fnas mix.

Oh god no and l Hate you but fnas mix.

It's a me,Starman slaughter and All stars but Fnas mix.

Mario get you in the next time.:)

(My take on) D-Sides Clone Mighty and Amber Mighty, uh, these might be in Recharged IDK

So uh, made a voice demo, so if you like what you hear, dm me or smth IDK

Shadow Jolly Nights at Sonic's.
Fnas crosover with shadow nights and Jolly.
Happy Sonic Coffees Day TOMORROW!!!