videos in FNaS (AotD/CbtS)

At the factory, you must keep the restless in check. Failing to keep the monsters at bay will result in dire consequences.
(New Trailer for Five Nights At Sonic’s: Afraid of the Dark!!!!)

“Come on! Keep that smile-“ - Horror Sonic

We are here… we’re baaaaaacccckkkk….
Can you survive our terror?…
Stay tuned….

It’s the dam truth tho-
We have our serious moments but it’s so much fun making a horror fangame XD the ideas we think of can be interesting sometimes- lmao

Horror Sonic Voice!!!!
(Don’t mind the spelling error, I’m a dumbass)

I love this one x3 I did so well on it

Part 2 of Horror Golden Sonic’s voice/voices o.O
Part 1:…

Part 1 of Horror Golden Sonic’s Voice/voices o.O

Horror Sonic Cosplay!!!!
The teeth are awesome in my opinion