Art Talk in The Growing Artist Aggregation

All things art go here! Share your awesome creations!!

I may make another post about this, but I just want to let everyone know for now that I will continue to not be nearly as active for this month at least, because I want to focus on improving myself and my artwork.

I hope that's okay with all of you

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!

Ok, I'm sorry for coming across as rude in that last post; I was just frustrated about some artists online consistently doing it, and I wished that they would stop, I guess

Anyone else getting really tired of artists making genuinely good artworks and then just INSISTING that it's awful?
My god, y'all are drawing stuff that I can only dream of atm and then you just trash on it for not living up to your godlike expectations.

Yeah I'm at that level listening to Gorguts.

Art me!

Looking for some art suggestions so I can stop this idle running so what’s some art you fellas want to see me make can be fan art of other creators shows games or some of my ocs

Did a quick sketch on my homework

Drew a nose today

Artist post your first vs newest drawing of your OC