Time for archiving!

I made a new channel for my community: music.

I'm going to try to learn to tune vocaloids this weekend, so I may post progress in that channel from now on!

This drawing has too many people so they are in the article down below.

this is going to be my new banner until I change it.

thank you to everybody who was in this project and I hope you like it.


Finished the album cover last night, but I won't release it until the song is finished as well.

[or if i give up on this project like all the rest]



introducing FLAVOR FOLEY, a delicious new music circle consisting of vane, ricedeity, and JamieP! serving up delectable ditties guaranteed to satisfy your cr...

New official banner.

Just about done with the first part of it!

You asked for it.

I 100% agree with most of these, but I don't agree with the last one.

Ask me if you have questions.


This is Aster.

She's in love with someone who doesn't realize it.

She is mentally unstable, and has breakdowns frequently.

She just wants to be a better person...


[I'll never get a chance to reach eternity, or even say goodbye...] (my current favorite song lyric)

[WARNING: Swears and a few others]

So, I made another community (Azzy's Projects) This is where I’ll share all my projects, concepts and art from now on! You can join if you want a place to talk about random stuff, vents, or hyperfixations, and anyone can join

This is my archive community, where I put [almost] everything I post.

You can post stuff here too if you want me to see it, I don't mind.

DNI: Don't be a a-hole. Be cool. [Hopefully, you are already. ]


@Azurealian owner
Report A community for 12 months