Time for archiving!

I got back from the dance an hour ago. It was ok.


Pinned post w/ drawing rules

[More info in article]

Also Chapter 1 has been released for the Vita story on Wattpad 🙂

We’re done! It looks so good, ty for everyone who participated! 💗 credits down below…

Well, it’s not all bad. For one thing, I published the prologue to the Vita Impura story a few minutes ago!

I can’t post a link, but my Wattpad name is AzurealianTrue if you want to find it!

I’m pretty proud of how it turned out!

The maximum coverage for the eclipse where I live is over, so here are all of my eclipse photos!

The last three were taken without the eclipse glasses on top of the lense.

New pfp for everything!

I made a Vita Impura reference sheet! This only took me an hour, and I'm really proud with how it turned out

[also there's a scheduled post at 3 pm my time]

This is the finished drawing of the one from earlier! It’s the first canonical appearance of Basroto in Blood Empire, which I started to rewatch this morning 🙂

This is my archive community, where I put [almost] everything I post.

You can post stuff here too if you want me to see it, I don't mind.

DNI: Don't be a a-hole. Be cool. [Hopefully, you are already. ]


@Azurealian owner
Report A community for 12 months