general in The Bambi Club

Bambi Bambi Bambi

I find out is bambom b-day

Happi b-day for this yelling kid

Android port for Five Days with Expunged is finally here!!!

also new update!

yo new Five Days with Expunged update

Ryan asked for the sprites from Marcello's Fun House so i extracted the assets, got the sprites and textures and gave it to him (I still going to extract the sprites and textures from DFAC, DFAC 2, Daves House, Daves Dream and maybe other BBIEAL mods)

Moldy posted this on twitter

this is a leak for Futile

i made expunged on this page

Sad Bambi but i ruined him with PhotoMosh

Dave and Bambi is turning 1 year old in 2 months

What the fuck