updates/ new progress? in pom pom's: act 1


Time to make every member more christmasy.

Useless fact about socket:

I was wondering, would you guys like to see Mini games in Pom Pomโ€™s?

ย  9 votes Voting finished

Grace, sneaky, pompom, AND toast! Mallory is still being baked, give him a momment

More funni.

yo thx to everyone who's following! ๐Ÿ‘€

(edit: ima make another drawing of Pom Pom)

hmm...i was thinking about it....Pom Pom has only 3 character's in it rn. (yes that is correct...3)

should i add socket?

ย  12 votes Voting finished

Logo :D I'm currently suffering from artblock lmao

more funni For Pom Pom's

holy crap! Pom Pom's already hit 17 followers :D