General in Boris And The Dark Survival™

Here’s is where you Post your Creations to come True on the Community:)

THIS IS SO COOL! I LOVE IT! This is so cool,this is my first ever youtooz and it had to be the the puppet himself TheMeatly @ClubMeatly @JoeyDrewStudios @Youtooz Cheers fellas! #Youtooz #BATIM #BATDR #BATDS #Bendy #TheMeatly He's earned a spot on my shelf

somewhere around past i decided to recreate every bendy chapter in Minecraft Playstation 3 Edition

Good friends. the game is already 40% done. I can't give a release date yet as the Fan Game still has a long way to go. but hey, here's a new preview of Bendy And The Children Of The Machine in Power Point Enjoy.

Oh yea i forgot

Today is 5th Anniversary of Bendy

So,this is where Boris and the Dark Survivel start to be real?

Dead Community Bruh

Boris: ...

Bendy comes*

Boris: I’m done

Boris Yeets an eliavator at bendy*


Boris: DIE

Bendy:uh oh

Bendy’s mind: looks like I’m going to have a bad time

Boris:on days where things are terrible. Ink monsters like you. SHOULD BE BURNING IN HECK