ClaMIDI in BBCCS/BIUC Official Community

place ur stuff here

rating every 8 bbccs characters"



3:banickate h(i got to say honestly um

its the biggest piece of dogshit)

4:the clapper(w)

5:mr unfunny(sigma)

6:commie mocking man(ok)

7:zelos mallin(alright 6/10)

8:billy(no 0/10)


my reaction to:wesleytrv the l

pedophille got aressted

upcoming video:

wesleytrv and luci gets grounded by grounding countries

He was a great day

Please don't let me know

i put stinko foot in fnf matt(me/baldi/my oc uttp counterpart) mode






black girls are racist

black girls needs die

serious lee is better


me when i see: wesleytrv got terminated/banned on gamejolt

luci's boyfriend jakc(baldi matt(me) rip off)and luci lushmore's favorite move is


bbccs artwork 2023

after i joined goanimate since 2023 this year