Go follow my friend
@aramas09 NOW

This sticker made by @Fnaf-Plus-AU IS for when we get OUR sticker packs XD
I also play Minecraft with her

Thx FOR this other sticker @Fnaf-Plus-AU -w-

K sice that some time ago my friend @doge-the-dog told me that his dream is become a gj creator, I did this art
Oh, if you are not following him plz follow, it will make his dream come true

I almost FORGOT this
Also go follow @RandomPersonWithInk
She made the drawing and i think she deserves a bit more followers

Welcome to the random community where you can find any type of ppl
only good ppl
community banner by @Victoree
don't make the bean @Fnaf-Plus-AU mad
special mention to the most active in the community @togo91
thx to @Victoree for being the most helpful mod and collaborator :D