Discussions in The Shark Tank

I've decided, we're gonna create a religion, comment is you're joining, a group chat will be made to discuss what it's gonna be, join now by commenting on this post
My cats keep sucking on stuff, I'll just be sitting in bed then a kitten climbs up and starts sucking and licking my collarbone, anyone know what's happening? I think it's some weird instinct because it isn't normal

You have to take a chemistry class, who's your teacher?

these are 3D models, they're probably the most realistic ones I've ever seen, imagine having him here on Gamejolt and making a FNAF game with these models...

Here's some out of context things from early 2023

I just found my ancient black and purple tuxedo, who would wear this and why?
(I know it's cross dressing if I wear it, nobody at the funeral cared)
Hmmm... I'm thinking of giving any of my community members the ability to ask for me to make memes for them

Yes, I wish I was smol instead of being over six feet tall...