Doodles / sketches in 📦 || BOXZEE'S COMMUNITY

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These 2 lesbians :3c

Right by me, left by my STINKY sister

A Doodle or a Sketch art of Goob! :3

I might make a digital art out of it.

my honest reaction:

Morpho full color!


C00lkidd doodle

(I hope you like it!)

My attempt of drawing a Black Hole

(Ignore the back page)

Ended up looking like something else instead 😭

I am jammin so hard rn

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GY!!! *Soul and Julie shout*

Then our old lady here turns 300!! How is this fossil still going strong like this!

I'm sure this cowgirl was riding dinos long before my dad!

Who is already an old man like her.


Speed paint of anatomy :3

ajahahahaha no references tho.. I should use Pinterest